20 July 2008

A long weekend.

So it would seem we have arrived.
I promised several people I would write them a postcard when we arrived in Sydney. Now, three months later, I've finally gotten around to it. Although, who know's when I'll manage to get them to the postbox. I've written many letters in my time, however only about half ever made it to their destination.

K and myself haven't been well this weekend, partner flu. K first, and two days later I fell ill too. So I've had a running prediction of what condition I'll be in, in 48 hours.
We still had a busy weekend,

on friday, we met L_, a long time friend of K's and I suppose, an Internet friend of mine. L_ was visiting sydney from the far north, for family reasons, but still managed to find timeout to see us. It was fun, anything that ends with late night coffee's normally is!
Saturday was a hectic day of shopping, refunds, baking, flat reorganisation and cleaning. Sunday was our first housewarming lunch! Alot of work, but well worth the effort. There was only one pregnant visitor when they arrived, but two when they left! And houses were bought! And... oh my god.. that shit's all so grown up!
Infact, everyone's preggers, my mate Andre from Germany just had a kid! So cute too! Who would've thought such a grumpy bastard could spawn such a cute kid!

Anyway, it's sunday night, it's raining heavily, i've been drinking since midday and I digress.

Let's just concentrate on getting a visa!

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