29 June 2008

Who would have thought.

So, I start work tomorrow!
Working for these guys.
Should be interesting, of course I'm not allowed to say what exactly.
And I also got another offer of work from a company that turned me down before. Unfortunatly it's come too late, I've already commited to the first job.
I also had 2 interviews last week for permanent positions. One of which I felt was a good interview, and the other in which I managed to forget all I know about programming. Still, I may have recovered.
So next week I'm starting work. And the week after I may still be going to interviews.

This should keep me going 'till the visa comes through!
O.k. I'm off to sit on my arse till I have to get up for work.

Tara then.

Oh. And I'd better go wish my parents happy 30th anniversary.


  1. Anonymous29/6/08

    Gratuliere zum 1. Job in Australien :-)
    Was genau machst Du jetzt da, als BMM-Mitarbeiter? Habe gesehen es gibt eine Außenstelle in Europa (Graz), da kannst Du ja mal hinreisen und hier vorbeischauen.
    Also dann viel Spaß im neuen Job. Gruß aus Deutschland (Rene & Romy)

  2. Also.. bin ich doch nicht mehr dabei.
    Es war nicht das richtige. Das arbeit war zu einfach. :-)
    Na aber es wäre jeden tag das gleiche gewesen.
    Und das ganze war volle BWL'er! Argh!
