12 March 2009

Busy times.

So 5 weeks 5 days to the big date.

All the barrels are loaded, and the relations and party goers are all preparing to land.

To add to the busy weeks, both K and I have been infected with the fitness bug. Trying desperatly to get the most out of the last of the good weather and long evenings.

I've been sporting myself to exhaustion..
Monday - Touch (Rugby) training
Tuesday - Jogging with K
Wednesday - Cycling 20k to work
Thursday - Touch (Rugby) training
Friday - Cycling 20k to work and 25k back

It's nice to not have to think about excercise on the weekend.
And I still REALLY LOVE watching all the fools in car's waiting in traffic, while I wizz past on the bike path. Muhahahaha!

And did I mention that I've given up the grog for Lent.
I didn't think that one through... Paddies Day on the March 17th and Touch Comp on the 22nd and numerous other temptations. Well I guess I'll just have to grin and bare it until easter sunday.
Do you reacon they do beer flavoured easter eggs anywhere?

Oh my... I think since I've been such a good boy I should get one of these...

[Update 2]
I wish I was this creative... the remix reaches the next level.

Here's the rest of his stuff

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