16 March 2009

The blame game.

There are reports in the Sydney Morning Harold (The "quality" shitty tabloid!) of a woman "suing the Department of Education for negligence [...] by failing to recognise the 'increased risks of horseplay' at the end of the school year"

Apparently, after her teacher dismissed class early, in the ensuing horseplay she fell from a height (Read toilet seat) after a "waterbomb" shattered a window she was standing behind.
Now, she claims that the injuries she received were the reason for her dropping out of school at the age of 16, and being unable to attend university to study for a career as a marine bioligist.
Her injuries also spoilt her backup career as a country singer, as she can't remember song lyrics or play the piano or guitar.

Now at 23, she's seeking damages for "injuries as well as for future economic losses".

So I assume she wants the average wage of a marine biologist AND that of a country music singer.

Well, boo fucking hoo!
What arsehole took this case up?
Is this the same guy who will represent me because the Sydney Bus didn't stop for me last week while I was on my way to buy the winning lottery ticket? And what about my future earnings on the accrued interest?

Let's just get one thing straight... this women who was about 13 at the time, had her life spoilt by a Teacher, who let the kids out early on the last day of school.
Not by her playing the fool with the boys.. or the waterbombs, or standing ontop of a wet toilet seat, or by dropping a window on her head?
Perhaps the department of education could countersue, as this woman obviously came to school without a clue that day. Shit happens, live with it, wise up, don't let it happen again, and get on with your damn life.
Don't let it fester for 10 years and then start complaining that you've been hard done by. Why? Because I'm sick of reading this shit in what passes for a newspaper in Sydney!

And just so you know that it's not a freak occurance, a google of Standing on Toilet actually finds photo's of daft schoolies standing on toilets!

Perhaps this sign that I found so rediculous when I first started working here, actually makes sense. Yes, in australia, you have to actually inform people that this is wrong!

On a lighter note.


  1. *Shudder*

    Are there any good Australian papers? Or did we have this discussion already?

  2. Nope, no fine papers in this fine land.. infact the toilet paper makes a better read.
    Although I think we have had this conversation.

    Who's that resonable sized man that you're carrying in the photo?

  3. Yeah, I thought we had. Clearly nothing's changed then.

    That big bundle of squeaks and giggles is my son and heir, Conor.
