24 January 2009

Sydney in heat

K and I went to one of the Sydney festival performances today.

It was a pleasant 40°C degrees in Ryde today, 4Gazillion °C on the train into town.
K, enjoyed a Gaytime while waiting for the train, and it was still 40°C when we reached the domain at 5pm.
For some reason the Australian media insists on refering to the mercury when giving temperatures.. because they have obviously spent too much time chewing on themometers.
At the domain we proceeded to talk about the wild temperatures while the MET office was issueing warnings of a Souwesterly moving in.
By 6pm the temperature had dropped to a frisky 20°C. You may scoff, bah that's bloody hot, however, when you are dressed for between 35 - 40°C as it has been the last two weeks, then 20°C is damn cold.

But it was worth it for the fireworks at the end of TCHAIKOVSKY's 1812 Overture.

And then we ran for the hills... where we live.. and where we keep our other clothes.

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