07 July 2008

New Job Ok

So the new job would seem to be much more my sort of thing. Definately alot more of what I want to be doing. Testing, Programming and plenty of Nerdy Tech details.

Katherine's officially allowed to breath out, not having to support both of us will definately take a weight off.

And I got told twice today to take my tie off! Score! ;-)


  1. Anonymous7/7/08

    Congratulations ... happy with your new job? This testing job you had before seemed to be perfect for you -> "senior testing engineer". But you quit the job after working for half a day :)) ??
    next weekend out team event takes place - good old "altmuehl paddeln" - we will miss this irish bastard drinking all the beer and jaegermeister.... cheeeeers... ce

  2. Hi Christian!
    The last job was not really right for me.. I had to wear a tie and suit and travel for 40 mins on the train. I quit after a week.
    Ah paddeln!!
    I'll definately miss that!!
    Don't forget to keep markus company till the early hours.
