09 July 2008

Mmmm Beer

Hi folks, all right as rain here.
Indeed, there's plenty of rain here.
Today, work consisted of learning how to wash my hands properly. Don't you love health and safety.

On another note.. I've had a splendid idea.
Infact, Katherine and myself have been missing our dose of German beer for a while now. So we've decided to brew some beer ourselves! Of course I'm too lazy to do homebrew properly, thank god for the beer factory. Getting a place like this to do the hard work is affectionately called putting down a brew.

Unfortunately, we can't decide which one! Help us out, and choose one for us - vote now.
Here are the details.
And the price... that's for 50 litres.

Mmmm Beer!


  1. Anonymous11/7/08

    I vote the pale ale. Have you tried James Squire Amber Ale. Mmmn-nnn! Delish.

  2. I'm a coopers man myself.

  3. Anonymous15/7/08

    I would have liked to vote for Ingobräus Helles :)

  4. Haven't Ingobraeu closed down yet?
    I wish they had've closed down before I left ingolstadt.
