26 August 2009

Stealing somebodies newspaper.

I have this persistent feeling that it's getting harder to find interesting stuff on the internet. As more normal people get online, the information gets dumbed down and the presentation gets shinier. In the early days of the internet, there was a similar phenomenon called "The AOL Effect". When the internet provider AOL, gave it's users access to "Newsgroups" the forerunner of the current discussion forums, the quality of the posts dropped dramatically, as the quantity of posts increased.

So in these days where search engines send you to the site that pays the most, as opposed to the one which has the most accurate information...
It's nice to take a shortcut, and instead of finding the good spots of the web yourself.. just steal suggestions from someone else.

Google asked some journalists, foodies, and tech bloggers, "What do you read"?

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    You are invited to visit my blog true-shapherd.blogspot.in

    Feel free to leave your comments n suggestions.

    God Bless.

    James Pereira.
