16 August 2009

Always be prepared

[Edit: Sorry had to remove pics and link instead after I saw the Copyright on the source page!]
If you're going to do
Jump off this,

Or get around this..

Then for god sake, don't do it in road slicks!!

If only I'd taken the time to put on some knobbly tires, my trousers might not have been so full when I got to the end of the course.

As you can see, it's a bit hilly.

50km/h, over rocks, sand, and hairpin bends, is enough to give me nightmares.

I can't wait to do it again! (With real tires!)


  1. Sheeeiiiit. I hope you didn't have to ride back up.

  2. We left the cars at the bottom, and got the train to the top of the track...
    Defiantly a good idea, because after that all I wanted to do was go home and sit in a dark corner rocking gently and mumbling to myself.
