07 May 2009

Where it all started

It's probably not fair on you to have to read my ill prepared ramblings about what was an incredibly good (and well prepared) shin dig... but I'll try to do it justice.

Lets start with the theme...
There's a girl and a boy.. and they love each other..
So he asks her to marry him. And She says yes. Down at the front, on the right....

Look harder!!

"I know just the place", says she, "there's this little church where I grew up."

So we went down and had a look at the place...

"Oh dear, it needs a bit of work" said we.

"We could use the hall down the road for a reception!"

"Oh... that might need a bit of work too actually"


  1. bloody hell.
    they're going down like flies,
    what on earth is it with these ozzy chicks,
    do they trap the Irish while drunk or what?

  2. :D
    er, and dont get me wrong like, but,
    I hope you settled for chick in the middle of teh church picture,
    er, the others, "need a little work" too :)
    weve had some drunken nights out,
    pleeeeease let it be the chick in the middle!
    ps, Shes got nice orbs though........top right :)

  3. Yes Ivan.. the one in the middle. The other two knocked me back.. they said they preferred the welsh over the irish any day.
    No helping some people.

  4. .........I thought I regonised the one on the lef......


  5. jazzclubber27/5/09

    Schpengle you is a crazy horse. I love you.
