24 May 2009

Nearly the big day

We traveled down to Goulburn on the Thursday, with a mid-size SUV packed to the roof with drink and decorations. I spent that day up a ladder putting the lights up in the hall.
Friday morning, it was out to the hall again, with K's extended family there to help put out the Hired goods, dress tables, stock bars, label ginger beer, clean toilets, make cups of tea, and admire a job well done.

By Friday evening, the hoard had arrived. Most of the relatives and wedding party had checked into their accomodation, and we all had a slap up meal in The Fireside Inn. We enjoyed ourselves mightily, and as is standard with the McCoy clan, we were the last people to leave! Even the staff left before us, with only the owner staying long enough to lock up after us. I journeyed the few hundred metres back to Mandelsons Guesthouse with the McCoys, while my bride to be spent her last night as a single back at her mum's house.

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