22 April 2008

Its my party and I'll cry if i want to.

So today I turned 29. I'm still a baby according to my girlfriend. Which makes her a kiddy fiddler. So let's not dwell on that subject.
On other news... it's wet.
The australians all claimed that it was a sort of welcome for the Irish, ab bit of rain just like home.
They're overdoing the welcome. It's been 11 days of rain now.
According to the rather camp weatherman on channel 10 that's a 15 year record.
It's an olympic year, so they all seem to be into records.

I am over the rain. I left ireland for an assortment of reasons, one of which was the weather. So I'm off to find the bastard doing the rain dances, to knock him off his feet.

Other news, Finding a job is hard without a flat. Finding a flat is hard without a job.
But then, I'm only just getting the job search rolling now, and K. has the flat huntung fully under control.

And yes, I feel a whole year wiser today, than I did yesterday.

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