24 April 2008


So this weekend is a long weekend.
Friday is Anzac day, in celebration and remembrence of the sacrifice made by Australian and NZ soldiers in War. It's also my first chance to play "Two up", at first glance a simple but apparently addictive gambling game, which is only legal for one day of the year, Anzac day.
So tomorrow I'll probably be giving away some of my hard earned cash to some well trained Two up shark.

The long weekend is also the last chance that K and I have to find a flat before K returns to School (Work). So we will be running about like headless chickens/kittens/budgies trying to find the nicest, cheapest, quietest, most convinient flat as near as possible to where K works, and I don't yet work. So there will be some clarvoyence involved.
Wish us luck! The sooner we find a place, the more lightly it is that we'll have money left for a big sofa for you all to sleep on while you visit us!

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