30 April 2008

Fine fittings from top to toe

Reihnard, Look I've got a Shirt on!
So this post is mostly for my colleages in Audi. Who never got to see me in a suit, and proves that I can clean up.

Sorry, it's a mobile phone camera.
That's one of the other perks of no longer working in Audi. ;-)
And of course I got dressed up for a reason. Today I had my first interview, it went quite well, and I'll find out what the firm thinks of my performance next week. Here's hoping!

27 April 2008


I have already commented on the crazy driving experience in Australia.
Over the weekend this reached new lows.
While driving around Concorde, close to home, K and I experienced some rather unsettling road ettiquite.
We were driving on a main arterial road at about 70km/h, we saw a blue ford "insert stupid muscle car name here" waiting to turn left onto the road. We were the last people in the block of traffic that left the last lights. We were about 30 metres behind the car in front, with noone behind us.
So what does Ford driver do? Yes, he pulls out in front of us, causing us to brake to 30km/h in minimum distance. Of course we beeped the horn just incase he hadn't noticed us.
And he gave us the finger...
Now, pulling out after misjudging traffic speed and timing is forgivable. Even a random finger is ignorable. But to pull out in front of someone, causing them to emergency break and then give them the finger, that's asking for a beating.

Road rage, it seems, is endemic in Large Australian Cities. I've heard reports of serious Road Rage in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. I can only hope that it's an east coast thing.

So if anyone knows the driver of the Blue Ford "Wank" with the NSW plate, BBS 40R, would they please tell him to return to base for a personality transplant.

25 April 2008

These people are nuts.

Okay, so every nation is entitled to their excentricities.
But imagine the terror I felt watching this happen on television.

See the faces of the two american comics, that was my face.
I've moved to a land of crazy bastards! My god this is going to be fun!

24 April 2008


So this weekend is a long weekend.
Friday is Anzac day, in celebration and remembrence of the sacrifice made by Australian and NZ soldiers in War. It's also my first chance to play "Two up", at first glance a simple but apparently addictive gambling game, which is only legal for one day of the year, Anzac day.
So tomorrow I'll probably be giving away some of my hard earned cash to some well trained Two up shark.

The long weekend is also the last chance that K and I have to find a flat before K returns to School (Work). So we will be running about like headless chickens/kittens/budgies trying to find the nicest, cheapest, quietest, most convinient flat as near as possible to where K works, and I don't yet work. So there will be some clarvoyence involved.
Wish us luck! The sooner we find a place, the more lightly it is that we'll have money left for a big sofa for you all to sleep on while you visit us!

22 April 2008

In the News in Australia:
1 in 5 to have house reposessed within the year.

So, no flats or houses to be had. And one fifth of the people who have scraped a deposit togeather to buy one, are going to lose it.

Sounds like there is a small crisis in affordability and availability here.
Maybe it is like home after all.

Its my party and I'll cry if i want to.

So today I turned 29. I'm still a baby according to my girlfriend. Which makes her a kiddy fiddler. So let's not dwell on that subject.
On other news... it's wet.
The australians all claimed that it was a sort of welcome for the Irish, ab bit of rain just like home.
They're overdoing the welcome. It's been 11 days of rain now.
According to the rather camp weatherman on channel 10 that's a 15 year record.
It's an olympic year, so they all seem to be into records.

I am over the rain. I left ireland for an assortment of reasons, one of which was the weather. So I'm off to find the bastard doing the rain dances, to knock him off his feet.

Other news, Finding a job is hard without a flat. Finding a flat is hard without a job.
But then, I'm only just getting the job search rolling now, and K. has the flat huntung fully under control.

And yes, I feel a whole year wiser today, than I did yesterday.

19 April 2008

Making life as difficult as possible

This is my adversary.

And being the geek I am, everything I own has an integrated plug. Argh!

You would think of all the things to come out of globilization and world trade agreements... someone would think to standardise the damn plugs!

15 April 2008

I'm a legal immigrant.

Yes, we have arrived!
However, there is no internet connection where we are staying. So we are dependent on Internet cafe's and fly by wireless connections.
Our luggage has arrived, two days later... and I manages to take my bike for free!!

The flight was tough, we knew in advance that we only had 2 hours to get from heathrow terminal 5 to terminal 4, and that is the proscribed minimum set by BAA.
So our flight from munich to heathrow arrived one and a half hours late. So we only had 30 minutes to make the flight to sydney. Normally I would have said, let's take it easy and get BA to put us up for the night. However, we knew that we had 100kg's of luggage flying with us. So we decided to run for it, because then the luggage wouldn't make our flight, and the airline would have to deliver it. Score.

So we ran and I think we set a new record for a interterminal connection.

And some poor git had to sit beside me while I sweated the last two weeks of beer out of me, and had an asthma attack.

So we were able to saunter out of the airport with only out carry bags, didn't have to queue for customs, got collected from the airport, and went straigt to bed.

Oh, and I got my visa granted without even a small interrigation.

Now we only have to set up the rest of out lives.
Banks, cars, flats, furniture etc...
I'll keep you posted.

02 April 2008

Oh Joy, Terminal 5

Well we didn't think of asking when we booked our tickets 3 months ago.
Yes, we ARE flying through Heathrow. Yes, Terminal 5.
And our baggage, well that only contains everything we own.
Please god, don't let this disaster realise it's full potential.

So just incase, both of us will be packing an extra pair of underwear.
Just incase.