18 March 2008

First Steps

So, last night, after a hard night celebrating the less traditional aspects of St. Patrick's day, I stumbled my way through the e-visa application for an Australian Working Holiday Visa.
Now I know it says everywhere you look, don't buy your tickets until you have your visa ready... well, yeah, visa's are complicated and I've had my tickets for 3 months now.
So I was expecting a head on head race between time to leave, and the granting of my working holiday visa.
I woke up today to check the status of my Visa application, whether it had gone where it should have. If in my marginally salubrious state I managed to spell my name correctly. If I'd gotten the correct year. If, if what if. (I didn't sleep much I was paranoid that I'd done something wrong!)
In the end it didn't matter.
Visa - Granted.

End. Over and Out.

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