05 March 2009

This shit happens to me all the time

I know, I should really do better that posting something everyone's surely already seen.
But honestly, this made me laugh, and then it made me think, "I do this all the time".

I especially hate the dreams where you start falling and then you wake up so fast, that you end up catapulting yourself out of the bed onto the floor.

The Next time I go to ikea, I'm so doing this!

On another note, if anyone has some spare readies, can you buy me one of these


  1. Anonymous5/3/09

    "...and then you wake up so fast, that you end up catapulting yourself out of the bed onto the floor"

    ...OR, more likely to be the case....

    ...then you DON'T ACTUALLY wake up, BUT you end up catapulting YOUR PARTNER out of the bed onto the floor...

    ...the partner who then can't get back to sleep because the catapult has started making stange snorting-type noises...

  2. Is this from Mrs Projectile?

    and what a wierd word verification ?


    soundls like something you do to lots of people youdont like.

    oh yes, and the picturs are up of you too hung over dorks wehn in ireland.
    meep meep

  3. honest to god!"
    the next word was

    I kid you not!

  4. Well it's better than the verification question I had.
    Put your finger up your bum: what colour is it now?
