10 September 2008

Introducing levies on fresh air

Warning: This post is long, rambling, and politicized

Many are not familiar with the institutions of government in Australia.
I am one of those people too.
To keep it simple, there's government (federal) and then there's government (state).
In my opinion, all government finally reaches a level of parochialism if you follow the power structure to it's lower tiers. However, I did not expect to find this at the second level of government, the state government of NSW.
This aspect of Australian politics is wisely kept hidden from the outside world, because on hearing the antics of the NSW state government over the last 6 months I was strongly reminded of a Bingo Hall.
I need not list the ways in which the last Premier (Mr Iemma) and his Treasurer (Mr Costa) have made themselves notorious, as many others have already done that.
Lets just be happy that they are out of a Job.

Now normally I would salute such a move, but, it was not due to a voter decision, instead it was infighting in the party which led to the change at the top. Also, the person appointed to succeed Mr Iemma, a Mr Rees, was not voted in by the people and will continue a 3 year premiership without ever being put to the ballot.
Yes I know, we can't vote on everything.. in fact, I can't vote on anything till I get residency... but normally the voters have a Idea of the preference of their MP for premier, when voting. Instead, the biggest bully/personality of the party has been put into the premiership.

Anyway, I'm sure it will be remedied in the next 3 years, either Mr Rees will be successful, or he'll be succeeded.

So far the measures proposed by the Rees Cabinet to help the state offset it's massive debt, aren't sounding to good his future.

Government is moving to charge fees for cars parked at railway stations): This is a plan to charge commuters for using the free parking at selected stations for their commute into the City. That's right, the most congested city I know of, is looking to put more people on the road. Surely the guy that came up with this one, should think before opening his mouth.

The next proposal... axe the (more than half finished) North West Metro rail project: Now please, how is stopping an already half payed multimillion dollar project, a wise decision. (Edit - Apparently there has already been a change in mind on this)

Here's the remaining proposals, I can't be bothered to point out the inadequacies in them all, needless to say, they were probably jotted down on the back of an envelope after the premiers inauguration party.

Please note, unfortunately it's not possible to get any remotely impartial news in this country, and I must warn the reader, that the Fairfax group, from which all of the links originate, would seem to dislike the Labour NSW Government. Be Warned.


  1. The lack of a decent newspaper in Australia was one of the things I really, really hated. Makes me appreciate the Irish Times all the more.

    Seems the majority of Aussies get their news from Today Tonight and ACA and that's a Bad Thing.

  2. Oh man. K would be the first to tell you that it's all opinion pieces and press releases.
    And the most informative program at breakfast time is sesame street.
    Still, most of the irish times is online, unfortunatly you have to pay for all the best bits.
    How's the daddy badge quota going?
