21 May 2008

Attack of the Arachnoid

So, today I was bringing my bike down into the celler, when I met someone in the garage.
A HUGE spider! I opened the door, and he winked at me and asked me how I was doing.

So being naturally scared of anything that casts a shadow, as all good irishmen are, I took a photo and legged it. It was the size of my hand!! Well half the size! Well it was the biggest bloody spider I ever saw.
And when my lovely girlfriend got home, she informed me that this was a Sydney funnel web spider, a type of tarantula, and ONE OF THE MOST VENOMOUS spiders in Australia.
Nice, I've been here a month, and the first australian animal I find, is one of the ones that can kill ye!
Lets see how long I last. Maybe the next one will be a redback.
In other news, today I found out that New Zealand apparantly has no snakes, hmm...


  1. Anonymous22/5/08

    I told you to stop complaining...no one's died from a funnel web bite since they invented the anti-venom!!!

  2. Well that doesn't mean that they havn't had to amputate a leg or two on the way. And I'm quite attached to my legs.

  3. Anonymous23/5/08

    Can I also point out that the coin next to the spider is a 5 CENT PIECE!!!!! ....and Dermot is a big baby...

  4. Anonymous2/6/08

    In all my years in Australia I've never seen a funnel web; even a pissweak little one the size of a five cent piece.

    Better tell him about the Drop Bears though Jones...

  5. Anonymous2/6/08

    He's smearing Vegemite behind his ears as part of his morning routine now..

  6. Give me a drop bear anyday. I'd rather have my hair ruffled by a drop bear than my heart stopped by a funnel web.
    Besides, any creature with an aversion to vegimite can't be that bad.
    So tell me katherine, why did you make me smear peanut butter on my big toes? Was that to keep the goannas at bay?
