27 April 2008


I have already commented on the crazy driving experience in Australia.
Over the weekend this reached new lows.
While driving around Concorde, close to home, K and I experienced some rather unsettling road ettiquite.
We were driving on a main arterial road at about 70km/h, we saw a blue ford "insert stupid muscle car name here" waiting to turn left onto the road. We were the last people in the block of traffic that left the last lights. We were about 30 metres behind the car in front, with noone behind us.
So what does Ford driver do? Yes, he pulls out in front of us, causing us to brake to 30km/h in minimum distance. Of course we beeped the horn just incase he hadn't noticed us.
And he gave us the finger...
Now, pulling out after misjudging traffic speed and timing is forgivable. Even a random finger is ignorable. But to pull out in front of someone, causing them to emergency break and then give them the finger, that's asking for a beating.

Road rage, it seems, is endemic in Large Australian Cities. I've heard reports of serious Road Rage in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. I can only hope that it's an east coast thing.

So if anyone knows the driver of the Blue Ford "Wank" with the NSW plate, BBS 40R, would they please tell him to return to base for a personality transplant.

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