08 February 2009

Depression is nothing to be ashamed of.

Life has its ups and downs.
People get sick.
Mostly, they get better.

Depression is also an illness,
in some people it's chronic,
or can wash over you like the flu.

I don't know how it feels for other people.
For me it's black fog, that decends over everything,
tainting all that it touches
Things that brought you joy, bring you to tears.
Everything's washed out, in shades of matt grey.

When I dig myself out of one of these bouts,
I thank my lucky stars for the people who help me up.

K_ Thank you, I love you.

For those of you who aren't as lucky as I am. I wish you luck.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous20/2/09

    Depression and anxiety are both treatable illnesses so it is important to seek professional help if you think you or anyone you know may be feeling depressed or anxious .
    Here is a helpful link about these mood disorders . www.lifeworkscommunity.com.
