29 October 2008

Back in the land of Interweb

I recently received the following mail from my internet provider.

This is my explaination for disapearing of the radar for a month.
And of course because we've been busy.

I've been training for the Gong cycle this weekend. 90km's and a sore arse for charity (MS research).

And a visit from some of the old Karlsruhe gang from germany and holland. So we did the tourist thing and went to the blue mountains. And took some snaps of this...

Which any Australian should be able to identify as the three sisters

Oh.. and I've decided to give the American Football a miss this season. I'm having much more fun getting fit on the bike.

And because our interweb is getting cut off soon, we're getting really fast internetz (ADSL) from these guys.

AND... Just for good measure. I've now been in the country of deadly seas and (not quite) scorching sun for 6 months and 2 weeks (So I now have an Ozzie drivers license). And there is exactly 6 months left until I get married to my loverly lady 'K'.

Life goes on, and on, and on 'n on.

And because I've now lost 5 kilo's from cycling, I can now drink beer again! YEAH!

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