29 March 2008

They're all dead dave.

Well not quite what the title would make you beleive. But I'm not far off it.

Recently I have been replacing much needed sleep with household DIY.
DIY, is not a sleep substitute, and is rarely subscribed by doctors for sleep disorders.

Now the flat resembles a large spaceship.

Lot's of room, and still somehow claustrophobic...
It's something about bare walls. The room just seems to schrink.
And when you say something, the echo's assault you like a mob of drunken teenagers.

Still, now there's nothing left in here, there's also nothing to get the place dirty.

The only thing that we can actually do in our flat now, is stand.
And damn that's boring!

22 March 2008

What not to do when moving to another hemisphere.

1. Collect millions of geek toys which loose their value within 24 Hours.
Lets see... my ebay auctions...
MiniDisk Player
Nokia 7110 & Nokia 2320
5 assorted mobile phone chargers
2 digital cameras < 1 Mpixel
A 10 year old colour printer, aka THE BRICK
Everything for a second bike, apart from the frame
1 skateboard
2 x 2 Rollerblades
4 portable harddrives
Lots of computuer parts.
Leads, connectors, adaptors, hand crank chargers, cables, antennas, battery packs.

20 March 2008

Depressive Pricing

Yes.. it hurts to see neighbours moving out.
Especially when their asking price is 10% under the purchase price of my own house.
And all of the houses on that Street are cloned.
And since everyone else is looking at the house prices and saying, "Christ I'm not going to sell for less that I bought" I can only imagine that the logical progression is that even less houses come onto the market. That everyone digs in waiting for this slump to pass. And the the house prices continue to stagnate or even fall. Until the real value approaches that which all of the first time buyers in the market actually paid for there overpriced trumped up dolls house. So say in 10 years time maybe things will pick up a bit.
All I can hope is that the champagne scoffing speculators and estate agents that got us into this mess get there houses repossessed, and that the sale of those houses sparks the whole industry back into life.

And more to the point, I want my house to be worth what I fucjing paid for it!

19 March 2008

Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye can be a painful experience.
Especially when you've drunk one too many zombie cocktails and keep walking into things.
Lastnight was one of the few nights set aside to say goodbye to work colleges.
Unfortunatly it was the second one in a row.
Now I'm in work, and the room is still spinning.

Maybe I should try "Goodbye - light", and lay off the intoxicating substances, otherwise I may get turned back at immigration!

18 March 2008

First Steps

So, last night, after a hard night celebrating the less traditional aspects of St. Patrick's day, I stumbled my way through the e-visa application for an Australian Working Holiday Visa.
Now I know it says everywhere you look, don't buy your tickets until you have your visa ready... well, yeah, visa's are complicated and I've had my tickets for 3 months now.
So I was expecting a head on head race between time to leave, and the granting of my working holiday visa.
I woke up today to check the status of my Visa application, whether it had gone where it should have. If in my marginally salubrious state I managed to spell my name correctly. If I'd gotten the correct year. If, if what if. (I didn't sleep much I was paranoid that I'd done something wrong!)
In the end it didn't matter.
Visa - Granted.

End. Over and Out.